Category Archives: Cause Marketing

Clarins–A lesson how not to do Cause Marketing

Clarins has created a new cause marketing campaign in conjunction with Macy’s and the Feed Project, which it is calling a “gift with purpose” instead of a “gift with purchase” — the standard in makeup promotion. According to the NY … Continue reading

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Vaseline…Does anyone else find this misleading?

I recently saw an ad similar to the one below in a woman’s magazine. Given the rise in cause marketing, I thought the copy was going to go on to explain the charitable good that the company was doing. Rather, … Continue reading

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Roozt and Bubbs — A new trend in doing good…but I’m still not sure it is

Two new websites have been brought to my attention that ask people to buy products and through the purchase of these products they are giving back to the world. The first is Roozt. According to their website: At Roozt, every … Continue reading

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Run 10 Feed 10 — Is this any way to feed the hungry?

I learned through many years of marketing that if a campaign strategy starts to lose its effectiveness, put a bunch of strategies together and maybe you can begin to move the sales needle again. That must be the thinking behind … Continue reading

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Soul Cycle, Supermodels and Charity, Oh My!

This morning, I got an email for a cause marketing event that was offensive on more levels than I can begin to address. Soul Cycle–the extremely over-priced spinning studios that cater to celebrities and have nothing to do with faith … Continue reading

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Celebrity Underwear for Charity

Rugby player, Ben Cohen, has started a foundation to stop bullying, particularly against the LGBT community according to the NY Times. As the article readily notes, Mr. Cohen is straight–married with twins. Cohen gained a gay following when posing for … Continue reading

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Radio Appearance on Lanigan and Malone

Had an opportunity to chat with Lanigan and Malone in Cleveland yesterday. Feel pretty special that I was on the same day as Joan Rivers!

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Cause Marketing Forum Award Finalists

Next week cause marketers will descend on Chicago for their annual gabfest–The Cause Marketing Forum Annual Conference. In conjunction with that, the organization gives out its annual Halo Awards recognizing “innovators” in the field. I thought this would be a … Continue reading

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Other writings, other radio

Here’s a link to a blog called The Pg. 99 Test. It is built around the following quote: “Open the book to page ninety-nine and read, and the quality of the whole will be revealed to you.” –Ford Madox Ford … Continue reading

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Earth Day, Green America and Groupon Grassroots

In honor of Earth Day, every company that could pulled out their sustainability banner. A long-standing environmental organization with environmental bona fides is Green America. Through their Green Business Network, they certify companies that are committed to social and environmental … Continue reading

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