Monthly Archives: April 2013


September 11th…Hurricane Sandy…and now, Boston. Each new tragedy raises expectations that corporations will do something to aid the victims. “Something,” however, has gotten ever more complex. After all, how do you support those affected without looking like you are cashing … Continue reading

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Clarins–A lesson how not to do Cause Marketing

Clarins has created a new cause marketing campaign in conjunction with Macy’s and the Feed Project, which it is calling a “gift with purpose” instead of a “gift with purchase” — the standard in makeup promotion. According to the NY … Continue reading

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Vaseline…Does anyone else find this misleading?

I recently saw an ad similar to the one below in a woman’s magazine. Given the rise in cause marketing, I thought the copy was going to go on to explain the charitable good that the company was doing. Rather, … Continue reading

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