Author Archives: Mara Einstein

Just when you thought Komen had gone too far, they go one step further

I had to post the following story. The hypocrisy is almost as bad as their tie in with KFC. Guess they still haven’t learned. Critics blast Susan G. Komen foundation for pink drill bits Published: Monday, October 13, 2014 Outrage … Continue reading

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Breast Cancer and Pink Ribbons…it’s not over

Last week, it was announced that Hayley Williams of Paramore would be the Hard Rock Cafe’s Pinktober ambassador. In conjunction with this, the band is promoting pink Classic Hard Rock t-shirts (in limited supply on their website and at select … Continue reading

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The truth about Turkey…a bit off topic, but a place certainly where compassion is much in need

I received this email today as part of a listserv I am on. It is written by a Turkish media scholar. I felt it was important to disseminate his words. UPDATE: What’s going on In Turkey? Irfan Erdogan Followings include … Continue reading

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When a nonprofit is not a nonprofit

Today’s New York Post called out Jenifer Rajkumar, a rising politician in NYC, for having a do nothing nonprofit. According to the article, W-Spin claims to have a mentoring program that “educate[s] 8 to 12 year old girls all over … Continue reading

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September 11th…Hurricane Sandy…and now, Boston. Each new tragedy raises expectations that corporations will do something to aid the victims. “Something,” however, has gotten ever more complex. After all, how do you support those affected without looking like you are cashing … Continue reading

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Clarins–A lesson how not to do Cause Marketing

Clarins has created a new cause marketing campaign in conjunction with Macy’s and the Feed Project, which it is calling a “gift with purpose” instead of a “gift with purchase” — the standard in makeup promotion. According to the NY … Continue reading

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Vaseline…Does anyone else find this misleading?

I recently saw an ad similar to the one below in a woman’s magazine. Given the rise in cause marketing, I thought the copy was going to go on to explain the charitable good that the company was doing. Rather, … Continue reading

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Supporting Gay Marriage

Budweiser, a company you might not think of as a bastion of liberalism, has shown its support for gay marriage. Anheuser-Busch is not alone. In the midst of the Supreme Court debates about gay marriage, a number of consumer goods … Continue reading

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A simple thing….

I got this in my email box and it was so simple, as some of the best ideas are. As you may know, TV and movie academy members get DVDs (known as screeners) so they can watch programs or movies … Continue reading

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What is Charity?

On December 12, 2012, there will be a concert to raise money for those affected by Hurricane Sandy. As with all such efforts, the questions are: how will the money be raised, how much and how will it get to … Continue reading

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