When a nonprofit is not a nonprofit

Today’s New York Post called out Jenifer Rajkumar, a rising politician in NYC, for having a do nothing nonprofit.

W-Spin (2)

According to the article,

W-Spin claims to have a mentoring program that “educate[s] 8 to 12 year old girls all over the world on political leadership,” as well as a program that teaches “young women from Abu Dhabi to Cairo” the story of “forgotten heroines all over the world.”

In reality, the nonprofit is a line on Ms. Rajkumar’s resume and, from what I can tell, a Facebook page that hasn’t been written on since 2011 (other than to change the cover photo in 2012)–what better metaphor for marketing over substance!

Update: The New York Post now says that the nonprofit has not raised any money, and that the nonprofit mention has been removed from Ms. Rajkumar’s resume. Small comfort for legitimate nonprofits, who have a hard enough time raising money for their causes.

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