Author Archives: Mara Einstein

Container Store

On the back page of today’s NY Times, there was an ad for The Container Store under the headline WE STAND FOR more than just fabulous closets! This advertisement was to promote the company’s participation in what they are calling … Continue reading

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Roozt and Bubbs — A new trend in doing good…but I’m still not sure it is

Two new websites have been brought to my attention that ask people to buy products and through the purchase of these products they are giving back to the world. The first is Roozt. According to their website: At Roozt, every … Continue reading

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October is coming and so is all the Pink

In anticipation of October–no longer the month associated with leaves changing to yellow and orange and red but rather the month of breast cancer awareness and pink, Pink PINK–marketers are already beginning to tout their association with Susan G. Komen … Continue reading

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Is Victoria Secret intentionally trying to mislead consumers?

I recently got an email from Victoria Secret with the subject line: Go PINK or Go Home. This immediately made me think of Pink Ribbons and breast cancer fundraising. What solidified that thinking was that the email promoted the Pink … Continue reading

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Run 10 Feed 10 — Is this any way to feed the hungry?

I learned through many years of marketing that if a campaign strategy starts to lose its effectiveness, put a bunch of strategies together and maybe you can begin to move the sales needle again. That must be the thinking behind … Continue reading

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Soul Cycle, Supermodels and Charity, Oh My!

This morning, I got an email for a cause marketing event that was offensive on more levels than I can begin to address. Soul Cycle–the extremely over-priced spinning studios that cater to celebrities and have nothing to do with faith … Continue reading

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Celebrity Underwear for Charity

Rugby player, Ben Cohen, has started a foundation to stop bullying, particularly against the LGBT community according to the NY Times. As the article readily notes, Mr. Cohen is straight–married with twins. Cohen gained a gay following when posing for … Continue reading

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33voices Interview

Here’s a conversations I had with Moe Adbou of 33voices. This is a terrific site that presents the latest thinking about how to do good within a corporate setting. It’s not yet available, but a transcript of the conversation is … Continue reading

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Radio Appearance on Lanigan and Malone

Had an opportunity to chat with Lanigan and Malone in Cleveland yesterday. Feel pretty special that I was on the same day as Joan Rivers!

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Read a book. Give a book.

Combining the joy of reading with the power of helping others. That is the tagline for a wonderful literacy program called We Give Books. It was created under the auspices of Penguin Books and the Pearson Foundation. As it says … Continue reading

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